Life+ Pétrels, Our project

Our project

Many initiatives to conserve and protect these endemic species are planned :

• Scientific expeditions to inaccessible cliffs to search for black petrel nesting sites
• Advanced technology (drones, thermal cameras, GPS beacons and miniaturized ARGOS) to track petrels in real-time
• Training dogs to follow petrel odour trails
• Creation of an artificial petrel sanctuary to enable them to nest in total safety
• Awareness and information campaigns aimed at the general public
• Educational workshops
• An interactive and participatory smartphone app
• An interactive website to track the project in real-time
• Educational tools to raise awareness with primary school children
• Student competitions to create technological applications
• Reducing light pollution in towns and cities through various local initiatives


Initiative A1 : Experimentation of control protocols for introduced predators
Initiative A2 : Technical and logistics preparations and personnel training
Initiative A3 : Testing of innovative methods to address constraints in the field
Initiative A4 : Behavioural and demographic study of cat populations, increasing capture rates
Initiative A5 : Studying and mapping the impact of light pollution on Petrels
Initiative A6 : Creation of a database
Initiative A7 : Improving understanding of the biology of Petrels
Initiative A8 : Setting up a communication strategy

Initiative C1: Reducing the impact of introduced predators on Petrels
Initiative C2: Identifying and developing an artificial colony for black petrels
Initiative C3: Reducing light pollution in areas identified as a risk for Petrels
Initiative C4: Encouraging eco-friendly economic development of the island


Initiative D1: Monitoring and evaluation of initiatives carried out in the field
Initiative D2: Monitoring and evaluation of initiatives in urbanized areas
Initiative D3: Assessment of the socioeconomic impact of the project


Initiative E1: Implementation of a communication strategy
Initiative E2: Create a website
Initiative E3: Install information panels
Initiative E4: Setting up awareness and educational programmes
Initiative E5: Technical and scientific utilisation of results and conservation techniques
Initiative E6: Drafting a final report

To save a species, one must know it. Each breeding season of the Barau petrel, the LIFE+ Pétrel team and its partners work on understanding this species, whether on the field, in the laboratory or at the office.

300: This is the number of days that were spent on field missions by the LIFE+ Pétrel agents in 2016. This being 42 days more than in 2015. The missions are divided between the gathering of information on the Barau Petrel, the search for the Mascarene petrel, the control of invasive alien species, chumming, etc…

But what do the field agents do regarding the understanding of the species?

