The association for the Conservation of the Environment and Professional Integration, founded in 2004, was certified a natural spaces Conservatory in 2008.

The association works for the protection and enhancement of Reunion’s natural heritage in particularly sensitive natural areas (SLA), in partnership with the Department. Together, they manage 12 sites spread over 1,400 hectares, with the help of workers enrolled as part of a professional integration project. Thus, semi-dry forests, colourful forests and coastal areas become conservation areas and promote social and human development. They also generate a positive effect on the local economy.

Since August 2015, the LIFE + technical unit has been based on the GCEIP premises in Le Tampon. The proximity of the premises to petrel breeding colonies is a real bonus for the team. A big thank you to Patrice Payet, director of the GCEIP, and his team for their warm welcome.
